German Pavilion

Expo Milano 2015

  • Client

    German Ministry of Economy and Technology (BMWi)

  • Role

    Creative & Art Direction, Production Management

  • Agency

    Milla & Partner


A team of up to fifteen people were kept busy over eighteen months by the production of more than forty digital, and mostly interactive, exhibits. I acted as creative director for ten exhibits and as art director for most of the rest. At the same time, I was overseeing the media production and spending five exhausting weeks on site, finalizing and setting up, acting as the production manager for digital media.

Das SeedBoard

For the first time we presented a new, self developed interactive tool: The SeedBoard. The SeedBoard was an inconspicuous piece of cardboard that was given to every visitor of the pavilion, which then turned into an interactive projection surface inside the exhibition. Pictures and videos could be displayed, and by moving and tilting it could be used for navigation and as a game controller.

The pavilion itself and the SeedBoard won practically every important award available in the field of spatial communication and interaction.


ADC Award ‘Spatial Communication’: Silver
ADC Award ‘Temporary Brand Spaces’: Bronze
ADC Award ‘Audience Participation’: Distinction
Europäischer Innovationspreis: Sonderpreis
iF Award
DDC Award
Famab ‘Best Interactive Installation’: Gold
Famab ‘Best Public Event’: Gold
Famab ‘Best Thematic Exhibition’: Bronze
Exhibitor Expo ‘Best Pavilion’: Winner
Exhibitor Expo ‘Interactive’: Winner
Red Dot Award ‘Spatial Communication’
und andere